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Why can thermal storage bricks absorb more heat?

2020-02-20 14:38:58

What is the specific heat capacity of thermal storage bricks?

what is it? Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat absorbed emitted by a unit mass object when the unit temperature is changed. This is Baidu Encyclopedia's explanation, but how to popularize it, for example, you need to increase the heat once, an egg is another heat. Specific heat capacity is used to embody these. The specific heat capacity is referred to as specific heat, which is represented by C, Q represents heat, specific heat can be simply understood as "comparative heat".

In a nutshell, different substances with the same mass the same temperature increase, whoever absorbs more heat, whose specific heat is greater, 1 kg of water temperature rises 1 degree Celsius to absorb heat 4200 joules, 1 kg of copper temperature rises 1 degree Celsius to absorb heat 390 J, obviously, the specific heat of water is greater than that of copper. Conversely, you can compare which substance emits more heat during the exotherm.

What is the specific heat capacity of thermal storage bricks?

Specific heat, like density, hardness, color, etc., is a characteristic attribute of a substance is inherent to the substance.

Although the formula C = Q / mΔt can be used to calculate the specific heat of a substance, it cannot be considered that the specific heat of a substance is directly proportional to Q inversely proportional to m Δt. Because specific heat is a characteristic of a substance, it does change with external conditions The change is only related to the type state of the substance, can be used to identify the substance. The specific heat capacity of most substances is different, except for a few parts. For example, the specific heat capacity of kerosene ice are the same. The specific heat of the same substance is the same in the same state. The specific heat has nothing to do with the mass of the object, the amount of temperature change, the amount of heat absorption ( exotherm). However, the specific heat of the substance will change as the state changes.

There is an object with mass m. When the heat ΔQ is absorbed ( released) in a certain process, the temperature rises ( decreases) ΔT. ΔQ / ΔT is called the heat capacity of the object in this process (referred to as heat capacity) It is expressed by C, that is, C = ΔQ / ΔT. Dividing the heat capacity by the mass gives the specific heat capacity c = C / m = ΔQ / mΔT. For the micro-process heat capacity specific heat capacity, there are C = dQ / dT c = 1 / m * dQ / dT, respectively. Therefore, in the finite process in which the temperature of the object changes T1 to T2, the heat absorbed ( released) Q = ∫ (T2, T1) CdT = m∫ (T2, T1) CdT.



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